Brands & Stories
Photography in movement
There are many techniques that can be applied to cookery photography, in these 10 years of cookery photography I can say that I have experimented all of them.

Some were still not very accepted when I started to work with them, like having ingredients and utensils over a rustic table dirty with flour that are part of the composition, photos that are today a global trend in gastronomic advertising. 10 years ago it was not like this, what was fashion back then was very bright photos with white or full colour background and a beautiful Photoshop editing. I can say that I have never used this tool on my photos since my specialization in culinary photography 10 years ago. I believe that the fact that I prefer original food photos and not to edit them on Photoshop have shaped my current style.

Today I’m going to talk about one of these techniques which I call ‘cookery photography in movement’. On this technique, the strong feature is the intervention of movement that will be captured in the perfect moment. This type of photography is no novelty but in my case I always look to unify my techniques. On my compositions for this type of photo I include still life, natural lightning, dim cold light, diffusers, custom scenery and the movement from the work that’s being done by the chef, from the bartender's hands or the liquid itself, from sauce or egg’s yolk when it runs, I try to capture in the image the form and the sculpture that gets shaped.

April 2019